The reason for account deactivation: Product inauthenticity concern

Informative post about account verification

Passport: We strongly recommend that you take a passport photo. The photo must be of good quality and without any foreign objects. Also take a photo so that all 2 pages of your passport fit into one photo, without cropped edges. You should send it in .jpg format. There is no need to take a photo and then convert it to pdf.
Account Statement: Most of our clients have a Payoneer account associated with their deposit method. If the Payoneer account is native and belongs to the account owner, you can contact Payoneer's support team and ask for the Official Payoneer Bank Account Statement. They will send you the document created for Amazon, which will contain all the necessary information and indicate that the document is required for verification. This account statement can be requested by any Amazon seller from their provider bank. The main thing is that it must contain the account owner's information (name and address).
Credit Card Statement: An alternative to the previous method is a statement on the credit card. You can get it through the bank that issued your credit card. We would like to point out that Amazon has a way to verify if the credit card belongs to one bank or another. This is why we do not recommend drawing a random credit card statement. The following points should be kept in mind when submitting the document:
1. The statement must be in English or in any supported languages. If the original is in a language that is not supported by Amazon, you will need to translate the document and have the translation notarized.
2. The statement must not be older than 180 days, but the more recent the better.
3. The name and address on the statement must match your account information (legal entity, business address).
4. The statement must contain transactions. Number and amount of transactions does not matter; the main thing is their presence.
5. The statement should be sent as a pdf file.
We hope this post was useful to you).
If you have any difficulties with the verification, our team will be glad to help you with this.
2022-08-20 09:29