The reason for account deactivation: Product inauthenticity concern

Amazon has blocked an account due to not fulfilling confirmed orders.

Amazon has blocked an account due to not fulfilling confirmed orders. The account was reinstated with one appeal.
Such suspensions come to those who trade on the Flip/Drop model and do not actually control the shipment and delivery of goods.
In this case, our client was confident that all orders were shipped, but may have arrived late.
We asked the client for tracking information 3 months prior to the suspension. It's important to take a minimum period of 2-3 months before the suspension. In addition to tracking data you need to provide an appeal explaining the possible interruption with the shipment or delivery of goods. In this case, we chose strategy of partial displacement of blame on the supplier which itself has sent goods and provided invalid tracking numbers for some orders. Since Amazon doesn't like shifting the blame, we made it clear that all the previous actions (poor inventory management, which caused the supplier to start shipping goods on behalf of the seller) were the fault of our client.
Within 2 days of sending the appeal and tracking numbers, the account was reinstated.

2022-06-16 10:00